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How to order

Purchasing from is quick, easy and secure and can be done in several ways, including ordering online, by telephone.

Ordering Online at

Our recently re-launched website has been created with ease of use as a priority. Ordering is simple and payments are fast and secure - your credit card details are encrypted and are guaranteed to be stored and processed safely.

Step 1: Finding Products


If you know what you are looking for, the quickest way to find products is to search for them using the bar at the top of the page. To search, simply click into the box and type the name or code of the product and then press [enter] on your keyboard or click the search button to the right of the box. As you type, you may see some suggestions below, in which case you may click one of these to search for that term. The website will then show a list of matching products, together with some advanced searching options on the left. Click a product to see further details.

Browsing the Catalogue

Our products are arranged into categories, so that you may browse the catalogue to find what you are after. The categories are listed in the orange bar across the top of the website (immediately above this text). Just move your mouse over and click on the one you would like to view. A further menu may appear when you do this, in which case you may choose to click one of those categories instead. The website will then show a list of matching products, together with some advanced searching options on the left. Click a product to see further details.

Step 2: Adding to Your Basket

Once you have located a product you would like to buy, you will need to add it to your basket. To do this, you will need to navigate the product's details page either by searching or browsing (as above).

Once on this page, you should look to see if the product has any purchasing options, most commonly size, and make sure that the option you would like purchase is highlighted. If you are happy with this, you should then enter a quantity (default is one) and click the green 'Add to Basket' button. A small window should pop-up to confirm the addition and offer you options for printing (if available), checking out and continuing with your shopping.


Step 3: Checking Out

Once you have added everything to your basket and have set up any printing options, you'll be ready to go through the checkout. This process is very simple and secure, as indicated by the security padlock in your browser. To begin this process, you should go to the basket page, double check the contents of your order and delivery preferences, and then click 'Proceed to the Checkout' at the bottom of the page.

Existing Customers

If you have used before and have a password for your account, simply choose to login and then enter your email address and password to access your details. You can now jump to Step 5.

New Customers

If you are new to, we will need to take a few extra details in order to set up your account with us. Don't worry, this is quick and easy because we only ask for information that we actually need to process your order. Please fill in the requested details, choose a suitable and memorable password, and then click 'Proceed'.

A new section will be displayed, asking you for a billing address - this address needs to exactly match the address at which you receive your credit card bill. Once entered, click 'Proceed' and you will be asked for a delivery address - enter this and then click 'Proceed to Payment'.


Step 4: Checking Your Order

Before you enter your payment details, use this opportunity to double-check that the information displayed is correct. Are your personal details correct, including email address and telephone number? We'll need these details if we need to contact you about your order. If you notice anything wrong, click 'Change Details' to make and save changes.

You should also check the billing and delivery addresses. Your billing address should match the cardholder's address and the delivery address is where your order will be sent to. If you need to change either of these, click 'Change Address' and either choose an existing address or enter a new one.


Step 5: Payment

You are now ready to pay and we accept three methods of payment: on account, PayPal and credit card. Credit Card will be the most common payment method, so use this if you are unsure.

Pay via PayPal

PayPal is a popular online payment service. If you would like to make payment using PayPal, please click the button marked 'Pay via PayPal' to continue. You will be transferred to PayPal's website and will be prompted to log into your PayPal account and make the payment in this way. Your PayPal login details are not shared with Once you complete your purchase, you will be returned to and will be shown an order confirmation.

Pay by Credit Card

Our most common payment method is by credit or debit card. We accept the following card providers: American Express, Mastercard, Solo, UK Maestro, Visa, Visa Debit and Visa Electron.

If you would like to pay by this method, please enter your details exactly as they appear on your card - anything that does not exactly match may mean that your payment will fail. Click 'Authorise Payment of £x.xx' and we will attempt to charge the amount due to your card.

After clicking this button, you may be shown a screen from your card provider, asking you to either set up or enter a password for your card. This is called 'SecureCode' (Mastercard) or 'Verified By Visa' (Visa). Enter your details or else contact your card provider if you are unsure - for security reasons, we are unable to help with this part of the process.

If your payment details have been entered correctly and the card issuer has authorised the charge, your order will be finalised and you will be shown an order confirmation.


Ordering By Telephone

Whilst everything is available to purchase from our website, you may also call us on 0844 818 2005 to place your order by telephone. This is a great option if you would also like some advice on what you are purchasing. Our friendly and professional sales team will ensure that you get the correct items and that your order goes through smoothly.

Please note that you will need to register on our website before we can accept a credit card order over the phone. This process is very simple and will only take a minute or so. To register, please click here.


Need Help?

If you need help with any aspect of, please give us a call on 0844 818 2005.

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