Lets Talk Period Panties
Nothing is taboo around here ladies, so let's get to the nitty gritty shall we? Let's talk all things period panties, that time of the month panties, whatever it is you call them! Let's discuss them. It's that time of the month again ladies and aunt flow is rearing her ugly head. You're bracing yourself for the cramps, stocking up on the painkillers and making sure your hot water bottles are at the ready, but there's a new solution to your standard tampons and pads. Let us introduce you to the 'Period Panty'. A new innovation sweeping the period market. The period panty is an absorbent brief designed to be worn throughout your time of the month. They are made from moisture-wicking fabric which contains fibres that trap liquid, basically, they absorb blood and keep moisture away from the skin. A wild concept we know! You deserve to be supported and protected when aunt flow comes to visit, and period panties might just be the answer to all your period product issues!
So Why Choose Them?
Regardless of whether you're a tampon girl or strictly a pad user, there is always that small fear of having an accident and ruining some of your underwear in the process each month, but that is where period panties step in. Designed purely for periods, these panties are essentially encouraging 'free bleeding' but with the added support of built-in, washable absorption, just how a tampon or pad would be, minus the waste they create! Forget wrappers or applicators, these panties can just be thrown in the wash after each use, and they can be worn for up to 12 hours at a time (depending on your flow). Oh and let's not forget, they're made from anti-microbial technology, which is usually anti-odour too, so no need to worry about any unpleasant odours. Different to a sanitary pad, the blood in a period panty is entirely absorbed, so you'll be dry and comfortable throughout the day.
Do They Work?
Everyone's period is different. Some could be super light and pain-free, whereas others could be heavy and painful, and some of us could experience the best of both of those worlds and end up in the middle. So the question is, do period panties really work for everyone? The answer is yes but extra precaution is recommended if you suffer from the likes of Endometriosis or PCOS. You might need to change your panties more frequently, like most things ladies, it's trial and error until you find the best fit for you, but don't worry! There are plenty of brands for you to choose from. One of them will be your new time of the month bestie! (along with Ben and Jerry, Obviously!)
Let's Talk Washing
As we've all established by now, the period panty is a great eco-friendly way to reduce the waste we create during our time of the month. So washing your period panties instead of throwing them away means we can reuse them each month without damaging the environment. Washing them is as easy as 1, 2, 3.
1 - Rinse your panties in cold water before adding them to the washing machine (not completely necessary but it does come recommended from a hygienic point of view)
2 - Wash them on your standard 30-degree cycle with the rest of your washing (make sure you try to avoid softener or bleach, so maybe wash them with your gym clothes?)
3 - Leave them to air dry! Avoid the tumble dryer and do not iron!
Who Do We Recommend?
Sloggi has created a period pant which accommodates different flow types. Oh, and it comes in two different styles and colours! Meaning there's a choice for everyone. Whether you prefer to keep it simple with black or add a bit of colour with a vibrant purple wine colour, Sloggi has you covered and protected for your time of the month. The 'Sloggi Period Pants Hipster Light 2 Pack', 'Sloggi Period Pants Tai Brief Light 2 Pack' and 'Sloggi Period Pants Hipster Medium 2 Pack' all come in, you guessed it, a 2 pack, meaning you can wear one pair and have the other washing and drying in time for your next wear! And they come complete in a cute store-away bag, keeping them fresh and hygienic until you need them again.
What Are You Waiting For?
Tried and tested, the period panty is a new revelation for all those who experience that time of the month. Say goodbye to the single-use period products we're used to and hello to the new way to be comfortable during your period. Everyone deserves to feel happy and secure during that time of the month, so treat yourself to some period panties, along with your favourite chocolate and ice cream, of course, and your time of the month will breeze past (and if not, reach for your hot water bottle and a good film! We're with you in spirit!)
xoxo Belle Lingerie