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What is the Best Bra Colour to Wear Under White?

Myths debunked and bra recommendations

Belle Lingerie14 December 2021

best bra colour to wear under white


We have all faced the dilemma of what bra to wear under a white top, shirt or dress. You could have your entire bra collection spread out on the bed testing and trying on combinations to see what is invisible under your white top ... we've all been there. But the hassle of the white shirt ends now! We have the perfect bra solutions and advice for you so you can wear whatever white clothes you like with confidence. Keep reading to see what bras look best under white tops and see our must-have bras to solve this exact problem.


White bras under white tops ... It's a myth!


Your first thought might be to wear a white bra under a white top, that does make sense right? Surely that is the simple answer to this problem. But no it's actually the opposite. White bras surprisingly tend to show through white tops. This is because the stark white colour contrasts with your skin and so stands out under your top. The darker your skin tone, the more a white bra will be visible. If you have very pale skin it may not be as noticeable so you could get away with it. But white bras under white tops are certainly not the best choice. But white bras still have their uses. You can wear a white bra under thicker materials or darker coloured clothing. Shop our collection of white bras here >


What colour bra should you wear under white?


If you want an invisible look where your bra blends seamlessly under your white top and can't be seen, you have a few options. The best thing to do is to find lingerie that blends with your skin tone. The closer the match to your skin tone, the better it will look. Essentially you are trying to create the appearance that you are not wearing a bra so it all looks like one colour and tone under your top. So that means the colour bra you choose will be unique to you. It could be anything from blush pink to a dark brown or even a black bra could work. Another tip is to go for a bra that has the same undertone as your skin. You may have cool undertones, warm or neutral so try to match your bra to this too for a seamless blend.






Can I wear a red bra under a white top?


Bare with us as this may seem ridiculous but there is some validity to this thought. Red bras work surprisingly well under white tops. The theory is that red absorbs the light that comes through the shirt rather than reflects it and this makes it almost invisible. This may be why white bras don't work so well as white reflects the light so it shines through your shirt. Deep red bras and burgundy tend to work better than orange or pink tones of red. If you put a neon red under a white shirt, it will probably shine through. So, opt for dark reds that blend into the background. Again, try to match the red to your skin tone for extra invisibility. Give it a go! What have you got to lose? Shop all Belle Lingerie red bras here >


shop red bras


Is it just about the colour?


The simple answer is no. You also need to consider the fit, fabric and seams. For a bra to be invisible under white tops, you need to find the perfect fit. If your bra is gaping at the cups or digging in at the back, it will probably be seen through your clothes. To avoid these, get measured to ensure you have the right size then experiment with styles to see what work best with your bust shape. You should also consider the fabric of your top and your bra. Smooth fabrics will work better under tight-fitting or thin tops. Maybe opt for a smooth t-shirt bra like the Curvy Kate Smoothie Moulded T-Shirt Balcony Bra or a sheer and glossy, thin bra such as the Gossard Glossies collection. You should also try to avoid bras with heavy seams or with decorative elements like lace as this will likely show through under a white t-shirt.


white top dos


white bra don'ts

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