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What Makes Me Confident: Body Image

Sophie & Kalie-Dee have both struggled with body image issues, read more about their stories in this blog article.

21 November 2016

belle lingerie what makes me confident body image blog
                                     Belle Lingerie What Makes Me Confident Campaign 2016

Body image, self-esteem & confidence are difficulties that many women face on a daily basis and these issues seem even more apparent now that social media is so accessible. We don’t know about you but scrolling through a Kardashian’s or celebrities Instagram account seems to have become part of our daily routine which when you think about it, can be quite unhealthy. For young girls in particular, this obsession with celebrity image can be so damaging to their self-esteem and the way they feel about their appearance.

As a company we are very passionate about promoting positive attitudes towards body image & self-confidence. Thankfully there are so many bloggers now, particularly in lingerie, who encourage women to embrace the bodies they have and to feel confident & beautiful, no matter what size they are. Whether you are a size 6 or a size 16, it really doesn’t matter as long as you feel great in your own skin.

In our latest campaign ‘What Makes Me Confident’ we are encouraging women to express what types of things makes them feel confident and we have had a lot of entries about body image. Below are two stories from Sophie & Kalie-Dee who have both struggled with body confidence & self-esteem issues. We think the fact they both want to share their stories with everyone is extremely brave and actually takes a lot of confidence, so well done ladies and we hope that the lingerie sets you have won for taking part will make you feel even more special. :)


belle lingerie what makes me confident campaign sophie's story 

“I feel most confident when I start to lose weight even if it is a few pounds. After having my son I went from a size 6/8 to a size 14-16 I stopped wearing nice clothes I just wore jeans and tops for years but recently I'm starting to feel more confident in myself I actually am starting to wear long skirts and dresses and nice lingerie I am now making much more effort and my confidence goes up even more when people compliment me.”


belle lingerie what makes me confident campaign Kalie-dee's story

“What makes me confident is my partner. I have struggled with eating disorders, and still do, since I was about 13/14 years old. I have had bad mental health since I was 11 which effects my self-esteem and gives me extremely bad anxiety and low self-worth. I'm 24 now and never thought I would feel beautiful or be able to show off my belly ever! It is one of my most hated areas on my body.

So when my partner came along and changed that a bit (I still have lots of low days where I hate myself and my body!) Enough for me to dress up as Princess Leia for his birthday... It felt amazing. He supports me through it all and has helped me gain back some confidence - around him dramatically and around everyone else a little bit (it's a very slow process!) - and is continuing to help me gain confidence. I struggle to exercise half as much as I did because depression took hold so badly. That was always my feel good thing. Fighting mental battles everyday drains my confidence and energy but my man helps me to keep going and love myself and my body as it is. I can even say some days I feel beautiful without make up on! Such a huge achievement for me and I can never thank him enough!!
Kalie-Dee Jones x”


If you would like to get involved all you need to do is give us an example of when you have felt extra confident in yourself or about your body. Our favourite entries will be featured in a blog post on our website and will also WIN a lingerie set of their choice from our website. There is no word count restrictions but we would suggest 150-300 words roughly. If you would like to send images with your entree that would be great as we can feature them in the blog along with the writing you have sent.

All entries need to be sent to [email protected] in either an email, a word document or a PDF file.

If you have any questions please feel free to contact us. :D  





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