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Why Does My Bra Squeak?

Ever wondered why your bra squeaks? Lets find out!

Belle-Lingerie17 May 2022

Why Does My Bra Squeak?

Your bra should be like a second skin, comfy, great fitting but above all, silent when you wear it! So a bit like a car, when you start to hear squeaky noises coming from it you start to wonder what could be wrong. Instead of just turning up the radio and ignoring the issue, let's get to the bottom of it!

Don't worry though, it's more common than you think and we can help! (The squeaky bra we mean, not the car! We're not mechanics we're afraid).

So the quick answer to the problem is that the squeak is coming from the underwire. Basically rubbing against its fabric casing. Usually, due to it being pulled too tight and when the two come into contact it builds up friction and creates that squeaky sound.



Your bra is constructed using various different components, from the straps to the hook and eye fastening to the choice of material. Each component is just as important, so when one aspect feels 'off' it usually affects the whole fit and feel of your bra.

So where does the squeak come from?

As we said above it's the underwire just reminding you it's there! 

The underwire itself being pulled too tight could just simply be you perhaps wearing the wrong band size or wearing a style of bra that doesn't mould to your shape correctly. Both of which are easy fixes!

It could even be from being washed. The casing could have shrunk around the wire or it could have become slightly twisted. Again, nothing to fret over. Another easy fix if that's the case!

Let Us Give You The Answers!

What does sister sizing your bra size mean?

Sister sizing quite literally is your best friend. It essentially gives you twice as many bras to pick from. So if you think the cup is fitting correctly (Or if you want to double-check, go have a read of our Bra Fit Guide, it gives you a step by step on how to make sure you get the best possible fit from your bras) and it's the back size that's a little snug, then go up a back size and down a cup size. So if you're a 34D then your sister size is a 36C. This should help alleviate the band being overstretched but keep the cup size the same (it's a science, we know!).

What bra size suit my shape?

As we all know, bras come in so many different styles, that it's sometimes hard to differentiate which is best suited to our shape. Fuller busted shapes tend to suit a Balconette shape whereas a bottom-heavy cup (this can happen from breastfeeding, losing weight etc) tend to suit bras with a Push Up in them. Anyone can wear any style they feel most comfortable in, but it's important to double-check that the wire isn't rubbing against the casing which creates that squeaky noise.

How do I wash my bra?

We know, not the most exciting of topics is it really. However, did you know that to get the most wear out of your bra you should really wash it by hand? A quick 5-minute job but we totally get that not everyone has that, and the temptation to just throw it in the washing machine with everything else is high. So if that's the case, make sure the fastening is closed and it's in a delicates mesh bag. A low heat will also help. Washing your bra after every 2 or 3 wears will help keep the material soft around the underwire. After washing, it needs to dry, so make sure your bra lies flat, that way it saves the cups misshaping and the back band stretching out. It could be at this point you notice the fabric around the wire becoming slightly twisted, which again could be leading to the squeak. Gently untwist and leave to dry. Don't worry if you notice it after the bra has dried. Untwist it when you notice it. This will prevent the squeaky noise and also help prolong the life of your favourite bras.

Find Your New Favourite

A bra doesn't come with a shelf life and you obviously become attached to your favourites. However, as a rule of thumb, it's recommended that every 6-12 months that bras are replaced with new ones. General wear can cause the bra to wear through and again this could be causing the squeak! It's a sad day when you have to part with your trusted and comfy bra, we know, honestly! However, don't fret. Here at Belle-Lingerie, we have thousands of bras for you to pick from. Whether you chose the same bra again or you fancy branching out. Check out our New Arrivals or Special Offers pages to find your new 'silent' favourite! We know you won't be disappointed.

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