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What To Pack For a Day At The Beach

Get beach-ready with Belle Lingerie!

Belle Lingerie18 June 2024


Have you ever set off for the beach only to realise when you got there that you forgot to bring something important? Doing so can be frustrating, especially if the item you forgot was vital for an activity you planned on doing - such as forgetting to bring your swimwear


Next time you head off for the sun and sand, take a moment to look over a simple checklist to help ensure you’ve got everything you need. 



What to pack for the beach


Packing for a day trip can seem much simpler than packing for an overnight stay, but that misconception can lead to things being forgotten because you haven’t taken as much time to prepare. 


The first thing to think about is what you’re going to wear to the beach. This can depend in part on how you’re getting there - for example, if you’ll need to walk a long way, you might prefer to wear something hiking-appropriate and then change once you get to the beach itself. Underwear can also be an important consideration here. Some people prefer to wear their swimwear underneath their clothes when heading down to the beach, and then change into regular lingerie at the end of the day to avoid going home in wet clothes. Whether you go down that route or prefer to change into your swimwear at the beach, make sure you have your swimwear and lingerie with you on the day, plus a towel to dry yourself off with.


Another key thing to remember is to bring sustenance with you, or the means to buy it in situ. Some beaches are well-served by cafés and shops nearby, but others are more remote. Check the area before you set off so you know whether you need to bring food and drinks with you to keep yourself fed and hydrated in the sunshine. 


Sun cream is also an important part of enjoying a day at the beach. Be sure to pack enough to last you, and anyone you’re with, the whole day long, and remember to reapply it often. Whether there’s a nice breeze or you’re spending a lot of time in the sea, it can be easy to forget that you need sun cream if you’re not feeling overwhelmed by the heat - but it’s still vital.


Here are some other items that may be useful for a day at the beach:

  • Entertainment - a book, an e-reader, toys and games or a bucket and spade, for example.
  • A carrier bag - for keeping wet swimwear and towels away from everything else in your bag on the way home.
  • kaftan or sarong - handy for providing a light cover-up if you need to pop into a shop or café.
  • A parasol or beach umbrella - to give yourself and your skin a break from the sun.


Of course, you know better than anyone what items you love to have with you for a beach day, so feel free to customise your checklist to suit. The key thing is to know what works for you so you can streamline your preparations and get to the fun of a day in the sun that much quicker.


What to pack for a beach holiday

For the most part, packing for a beach holiday means packing the same kinds of things as you would for a day trip, but in larger quantities. That can depend on the type of accommodation you choose, though. If you’re in a hotel, a B&B or you’re camping, you probably won’t have access to a washing machine, so you’ll need to bring enough clothing and swimwear to last the duration of your stay. However, if you’re in a position where you’ll have the ability to wash your swimwear, towels and clothes, then you can afford to pack a little lighter.


Of course, there are also a few things you’ll need or may want to bring for an overnight stay that aren’t necessary for a day trip. These include:

  • Nightwear - pyjamas and/or dressing gowns, for example.
  • Smarter clothes - for evening meals or events.
  • Additional toiletries.
  • Electrical items - such as phone chargers, toothbrush chargers or shavers. 


With all this covered, hopefully you should have everything you need to enjoy a well-earned holiday in the sun. Happy travels!

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