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Body Positivity with Suzy Turner

Read the latest blog in our body positivity campaign by blogger and author Suzy Turner

Belle 30 January 2018


If you've been keeping up with our blogs lately you'll be aware of our 'Body Positivity' campaign which we launched in November 2017. The aim was to get real people on board to help promote body confidence and a more positive body image. Every morning starts with a routine, somewhere in that routine you put your lingerie on and then your clothes and you go about your day. Whether you are happy with your body, unhappy with your body or don't really care we want to make you feel good in your lingerie. We're trying to show you that it doesn't matter what your body looks like because no one is the same and that's the best thing about us!   


This is why we launched our campaign and the latest instalment of body positivity comes from the fabulous Suzy Turner – author and blogger at 


Suzy is wearing the Pour Moi? Amour Padded Bra and Pour Moi? Amour Short Brief in Purple/Orange 

Here's what Suzy had to say...


When Belle Lingerie asked me to write a post for their blog, I was a little nervous. Nervous about posing in my underwear for the very first time. But once I’d given it some real thought, I realized it was the perfect opportunity to prove how my body confidence has increased since I turned forty, two years ago. 


It’s so funny how you see your body differently as you get older. Even though there are way more wrinkles, grey hair, cellulite and generally more fat everywhere, I love my body much more than I ever did when I was younger. Crazy considering how perfect my body really was back then. There was no cellulite, no wrinkles, very little fat and certainly no grey hair, yet I would compare myself to everyone else, leaving myself feeling inadequate and almost to the stage where I felt ugly. 




Suzy is wearing the Pour Moi? Amour Padded Bra and Pour Moi? Amour Short Brief in Purple/Orange 


I wish women could just see the beauty in themselves at a younger age. Yet they continue to compare themselves to models and actresses in glossy magazines who aren’t even real. They’ve been photoshopped to such an extent that you can barely even recognize them sometimes. And then there’s the Instagram stars who constantly use filters and goodness knows what else to make themselves look thinner, smoother, spot-free and generally look like china dolls! 


We need to embrace that we are all perfectly imperfect just the way we are, regardless of our age, color, sexual orientation, etc. Come on girls. Embrace who you are. See the real beauty in you – inside and out <3 


If you want to take part in our body positivity campaign send us an email at [email protected]  



Reader Comments

She looks great !
Written by Emma Stephens, 5th February 2018 at 23:07:00
fabulous blog - love the set!
Written by Sarah, 6th February 2018 at 15:15:00
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