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How many shades of grey is your lingerie?

Are your undies fifty fades of grey?

16 February 2017

If your underwear is fifty shades of grey, and it didn’t start out that way, it’s probably time to upgrade your lingerie and treat yourself to something new. Let’s face it, many of us have underwear in the drawer that have been hanging around for waaaaayy too long and are so faded from over-washing that they’re too embarrassing to hang on the line.

Grey is actually a really lovely colour for lingerie – but only if it’s intentionally that colour! – so here are some of our favourite grey tones. Not quite fifty shades, but if you’re a fan of the film you’ll find some seductive little numbers in here as well.




It’s easy to search for lingerie by colour choice on our website; you can check out all our grey toned lingerie here. New lingerie is always guaranteed to give you a boost so clear out those old faded faithfuls and treat yourself to something lovely.

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